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FLINT Handbook documentation
Chapter 1: Understanding Climate Science and Carbon Models
The Organisations behind the Climate Mitigation Steps
How does FLINT help solve issues arising from Climate Change
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Full Lands Integration Tool
Chapter 3: Introduction to Generic Carbon Budget Model
End-to-end workflow for the GCBM Analysis
What is the effect of running the model without disturbance?
Chapter 4: The Work DVC Plays in the Land Sector Repo
How to create a reproducible pipeline with Moja Global Dataset.
Chapter 5: Running a GCBM Simulation
Project structure and directory hierarchy overview
Setting up our GCBM environment
Installing Python
Installing Microsoft Access Database Driver
Installing Visual C++ Redistributable Packages
Update GCBM Run Script
Spatial data preparation(jupyter notebook)
Tiler Configuration
Chapter 6: Climate Projections
How do we expect our world to change?
What does the increase in CO2 mean for forests?
Changing Patterns
Vision: The reproducible science stack
Annex of FLINT Analysis