Spatial data preparation(jupyter notebook)#

As discussed earlier in this documentation, the GCBM simulation requires spatial and aspatial or tabular data to run. This section will discuss creating a sample GCBM project and adding these required data.

We create a sample GCBM project by making a copy of the 1_Standalone_Template folder and renaming the copy to Sample_Data_Exercise.

image1 image2

Next, we delete all the folders in the Sample_Data_Exercise\layers\raw directory.

image3 image4

We then add spatial data to our project by copying the contents in the Sample_Data\Spatial directory into the Sample_Data_Exercise\layers\raw directory.

image5 image6

Next, we add aspatial data to our project by copying the Sample_Data\Aspatial\yield_curves.csv file into the Sample_Data_Exercise\input_database directory.

image7 image8

Then, we delete the old yield.csv file in the Sample_Data_Exercise\input_database directory. We have added the sample data required to run a GCBM simulation to our project. We can explore the data in the yield_curves.csv and inv_sample.shp files. The yield curve data have one classifier, which is LdSpp. We link spatial inventory to yield curves with classifiers.